Knowledge Bennett is an artist and the founder of The KNOW Contemporary, a gallery based in L.A.’s Arts District. For Frieze Week, and coinciding with Black History Month, the space opened a new show of work by emerging Black artists, “BLACK,” co-curated by Bennett and author and art historian Charles Moore. With works exclusively available on Artsy, the show opened to the public from February 16th through 20th 2022. We asked Bennett about what to expect from the show and his tips for the L.A. art scene.
What was the idea behind the show?
Knowledge Bennett: I’ve always been fascinated by the color black and its history, elegance, and mystique. This exhibition will explore the various ways in which my contemporaries employ the color black to best articulate themselves visually. It’s loaded with emerging contemporary favorites of mine. For example, Muna Malik’s thin black whimsical lines that tear through large fields of an almost electric blue, symbolize African diasporic people’s migratory patterns over large bodies of water, under an even larger blue sky.
What is the role of galleries like The KNOW Contemporary in supporting emerging Black artists at this time?
K.B.: The gallery’s role is to provide a safe space for artists to authentically express themselves. To not only help foster creativity within the community but also economics. To stand as an example of what’s possible, hopefully inspiring others within the community to do something similar.
What are you most looking forward to about Frieze L.A.?
K.B.: I’m looking forward to the art! Three exhibitions that I’m hearing a lot of talk about are Sandford Biggers at CAAM (California African American Museum), Noah Davis at the Underground Museum, and Nelson Makamo at Jac Forbes Gallery out in Malibu.
This article was written by Josie Thaddeus-Johns.