Cultivate relationships with collectors across the world.

Communicate seamlessly with collectors.
Manage collector inquiries, review their profiles, and make offers all in one place through Artsy Conversations—Artsy’s direct-to-collector messaging tool. Designed to save you time, Conversations simplifies online communications for Artsy gallery partners and makes it easy to maintain lasting relationships with collectors around the world.

Share artworks—anywhere and anytime.
Folio is an iPad and iPhone app that works as a business tool for galleries. It allows you to host unlimited high-quality images of your gallery’s inventory so that you can show collectors when you’re on the go. Galleries can also easily send clients pieces via tailored emails that include artist bios, images, additional documents, and pricing.
“The idea that I could reach a British banker in Vietnam through a Robert Mapplethorpe photo [I was selling on Artsy] astounded me. He acquired the piece that day.”

Optimize your digital strategy through consultations with Artsy’s gallery experts.
All partners receive detailed analytics about their performance on Artsy, including everything from their response rate with collectors to the number of views on their artwork and artist pages. Insights from these metrics will help accelerate your success on Artsy and ensure you’re utilizing the platform to its maximum potential.
Become a Gallery Partner
Growing your art business online starts with Artsy