5 Art Fair Resources for Your Gallery

From extensive travel to setting up booths and engaging with collectors, art fairs are a hectic time for any gallery, no matter how big or small. Fairs are also a significant investment, which means it’s critical to develop an effective marketing strategy to employ before, during, and after your gallery attends one. Artsy partners with over 70 leading international art fairs, making it easy for galleries to take their fair booths online and connect with our audience of over 1 million users from more than 190 countries.

To help you build a strategy that works for your gallery, our team sat down and compiled Artsy’s most relevant content for optimizing your presence at art fairs. Explore the resources below to learn how Artsy can help your gallery thrive at art fairs year-round:

The Gallery’s Guide to Art Fairs

Whether you’re a seasoned fair-goer or a first-time participant, adequate preparation for exhibiting at an art fair can make a significant difference when it comes to making the most out of your time and monetary investment.

From uploading your booth online to adopting key promotional strategies, download this guide for the fundamental tips that every gallerist should know when exhibiting at a fair.

How to Make Your Fair Booth Stand Out—Online

Collector behavior at art fairs today is changing. Now more than ever, both new and seasoned collectors are researching works to buy online and expecting to communicate with galleries digitally—before, during, and after the fair.

Embracing the digital is necessary for your gallery to engage fairgoers and increase the return on your investment. From online platforms to email and social media, read the four strategies you can use to promote your fair booth online.

The Fundamental Shipping Practices Every Gallery Should Know

Does your gallery have a shipping strategy for your upcoming art fair? Fairs present the perfect opportunity to meet new collectors from around the world and make sales.

As buying art from fairs online becomes increasingly popular among collectors, implementing effective and reliable strategies will be essential. With tips and tricks to reduce overall costs, plus an aggregated list of shippers around the world, read our fundamental shipping guidelines for every gallery.

The Gallery’s Guide 
to Photography for Online Use

Make the most of your fair booth by taking great photos of your installed inventory. Today, attractive and high-quality digital representation of your gallery is a necessity, rather than a luxury. From developing a visual consistency for your gallery’s brand to crafting the perfect installation shot, read our tips to learn how curated gallery photography can make a difference when promoting your fair booth online.

10 Instagram Tips for Art Fairs

Art fairs are a prime opportunity for you to grow your gallery’s visibility on Instagram by posting compelling content (and encouraging fair visitors to stop by your booth). While it might seem daunting, producing a strong image and optimizing a post for performance doesn’t have to be difficult. From framing to filtering, read Artsy’s social media team’s top 10 tips to help your gallery’s fair booth stand out online.

Partner with Artsy

The best way to prepare your gallery for the offseason is to become an Artsy gallery partner.